PRO004874-Services-Framework-Repair of Pumps

This scope of work and Services covers the repair / overhaul of pumps that are used on Company sites, throughout its Operational Area. The Scope of Services shall include for the work and Services carried out at Company sites and the Contractors own workshops and shall also include collection and delivery to Company sites. The principal requirements shall be mechanical fitting and machining work carried out in the pursuit of the repair/overhaul of pumps, however a small amount of electrical work and services will be required. For the purposes of this procurement, a lotting structure has been implemented based upon the applicable complexity of the pumps in use and the requirements to repair such pumps from an engineering requirement and competency. Lot 1 is defined as Small, Simple and Routine pump repairs, whereas Lot 2 is defined as Large, Complex or Critical pump repairs.

11/04/2025 15:00:00

50511000-0  Repair and maintenance services of pumps
50511100-1  Repair and maintenance services of liquid pumps
50500000-0  Repair and maintenance services for pumps, valves, taps and meta

United Utilities Water Limited
Lingley Mere Business Park
United Kingdom
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Published notices
Contract notice - utilities (FTS)
PRO004874-Services-Framework-Repair of Pumps Lot 1 Small, Simple or Routine

The lot is for small, simple or routine pump repairs.

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Documents Documents
PRO004874-Services-Framework-Repair of Pumps Lot 2 - Large, Critical or Complex Pump Repair (1)

This is lot is for large, critical or complex pump repairs.

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Documents Documents