PROC8553 - Support for Economically Inactive Residents

Procurement of an external provision to deliver interventions to support those furthest from the labour market to relieve barriers to entering employment, education, and training. There are a number of projects that have benefited from European Social Funding or other funding which have either recently or are shortly, coming to an end. We are keen to enable vital support activity to continue in Cherwell. The contract will be for a period of 12 months from commencement date

19/06/2024 10:00:00

80000000-4  Education and training services
98000000-3  Other community, social and personal services

Cherwell District Council
Bodicote House, White Post Road
OX15 4AA
United Kingdom
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Published notices
Live Opportunity (Contracts Finder) 21/05/2024 16:09
Awarded Contract (Contracts Finder) 16/07/2024 14:38
Support for Economically Inactive Residents
Awarded supplier:

Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership Limited (OxLEP), organisation no: GB321010777

Additional information:
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