Date of dispatch of this notice: 10/12/2015
Expire date: 22/01/2016
External Reference: 2015-099902
TED Reference: 2015/S 242-439064
Date of dispatch of this notice: 10/12/2015
Expire date: 22/01/2016
External Reference: 2015-099902
TED Reference: 2015/S 242-439064
DS189-15 Supply & Maintenance of Mini Bowser Type Pressure Washers
The Authority has identified a requirement for Supply & Maintenance of Mini
Bowser Type Pressure Washers. These shall be for the purpose of washing light goods vehicles (LGV) and heavy goods vehicles (HGV) and possible occasional property maintenance use.
The Contract is for the sole use of Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority. The contract has not been divided into Lots. Supply and maintenance shall be delivered by the same contractor and the geographic area of the Authority‘s estates would not present any benefit to breaking down the requirement into geographic lots.
Variants may be provided assuming the proposed solution can continue to meet the Authority‘s basic requirements. Submission of a variant bid should also be accompanied by a compliant bid.
The contract is a one off purchase with support and maintenance contract for two (2) years with the option to extend for a further two (2) years.
The scope of the contract shall include but not be limited to:
* Supply
* Delivery
* Maintenance and Support
* Replacement
* End of Life Disposal
The supply of equipment shall be a one off purchase. The Authority proposes to enter into the contract for maintenance for a period of two (2) years with the Contractor. The Authority may extend the maintenance contract for a further period or periods not exceeding two (2) years in total.
Insurance Requirements:
Employers Liability - £5,000,000.00 GBP
Public/Products Liability - £5,000,000.00 GBP
Professional Indemnity - £1,000,000.00 GBP
As defined in the tender documents.
As defined in the tender documentation.
As defined in the tender documentation.