Date of dispatch of this notice: 02/11/2015
Expire date: 02/12/2015
External Reference: e51ffd2d-7aff-4507-9bca-8358580e30f4
Date of dispatch of this notice: 02/11/2015
Expire date: 02/12/2015
External Reference: e51ffd2d-7aff-4507-9bca-8358580e30f4
Official name: Avon and Somerset Constabulary
Address line 1: PO BOX 37. Valley Road, Portishead.
Town: Bristol
Postal Code: BS20 8QJ
Country: England
Contact person: Helen Glanville
Phone: +44 1275816447
Title attributed to the contract: Commercial Removal Services
Applicants are invited to tender to supply managed removals, relocation and furniture recycling services to Avon and Somerset Police and Taunton Deane Borough Council. The Customer seeks to award a contract with the primary purpose of providing managed removals, relocation and furniture recycling services within the geographical area covered by the Avon and Somerset Constabulary and Taunton Deane Borough Council.
Reference 22059 applies.