Date of dispatch of this notice: 26/02/2025
External Reference: 6632c193-02b6-4013-b39d-1a7603692abd
Date of dispatch of this notice: 26/02/2025
External Reference: 6632c193-02b6-4013-b39d-1a7603692abd
Official name: City of York Council
Address line 1: West Offices, Station Rise
Town: York
Postal Code: YO1 6GA
Country: England
Contact person: Chloe Wilcox
Phone: +44 1904551307
Title attributed to the contract: The Study of Farming Finance and Challenges Faced
The Mayor of York and North Yorkshire has commissioned this study to enable the Combined Authority to understand the state of farming finance and the scope and scale of challenges faced by the sector in York and North Yorkshire. This will enable the Mayor to assess the support that can be offered to the farming sector both as part of our growth priorities and as a Mayoral priority.
Link to e-portal
Awarded Date: 20/02/2025
Awarded Value:
Contract start date: 28/02/2025
Contract end date: 12/05/2025