Date of dispatch of this notice: 24/02/2025
External Reference: d96d25e2-5b1d-4501-b8ea-1461d3875d4b
Date of dispatch of this notice: 24/02/2025
External Reference: d96d25e2-5b1d-4501-b8ea-1461d3875d4b
Official name: The North Yorkshire Council
Address line 1: County Hall, Racecourse Lane,
Town: Northallerton
Postal Code: DL7 8AD
Country: England
Contact person: Jacob Headlam
Phone: +44 1609533735
Title attributed to the contract: Public Realm Improvements - Low Street, Sherburn-In-Elmet
Public Realm Improvement Works including the replacement of hard paved areas to Low Street, Sherburn in Elmet. The works also include repairs to existing planters and retaining walls, design and construction of new foundations and retaining walls, replacement drainage works and alterations to existing services.
Additional data
User / Company
Awarded Date: 14/02/2025
Awarded Value:
Contract start date: 24/02/2025
Contract end date: 08/08/2025