Prior information notice



Expire date: 03/03/2025

External Reference: 2025-572452

FTS Reference: 2025-005218

Prior information notice

Prior information notice


This notice is for prior information only

Section I: Contracting authority


Name and addresses

United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
Culham Campus
OX14 3DB
Contact person: Emma Davies
Telephone: +44 123546
NUTS code:  UKJ14 -  Oxfordshire
Internet address(es):


The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at:
Additional information can be obtained from
the abovementioned address:  

Type of the contracting authority

Body governed by public law

Main activity

Other activity:  Fusion Research

Section II: Object


Scope of the procurement



Mission Led AI Data Centre and a Strategic Investment Partnership Funder for Future Campus Development
Reference number:  T/ED029/25

Main CPV code

70000000  -  Real estate services

Type of contract


Short description

Future Partnership Opportunities at UKAEA’s Culham Campus: Mission Led AI Data Centre and a Strategic Investment Partnership Funder for Future Campus Development.
This PIN is to establish third party interest in these opportunities and to enable interested parties to gain a further understanding of UKAEA’s future vision at the Culham Campus. UKAEA is offering the opportunity for interested parties to attend an Information Day on Monday 10th March 2025. Full registration details are contained in the attachment to this PIN.

Information about lots

This contract is divided into lots: no



Additional CPV code(s)

30211100  -  Super computer
30211300  -  Computer platforms
45000000  -  Construction work
45220000  -  Engineering works and construction works
66122000  -  Corporate finance and venture capital services
72300000  -  Data services

Place of performance

NUTS code:  UKJ14 -  Oxfordshire
Main site or place of performance:  
Culham Campus, Abingdon, Oxfordshire

Description of the procurement

AI Data Centre
Following on from the Government announcement and publication of the supporting AI Opportunities Action Plan on 13th January 2025, Culham Campus was identified as the first AI Growth Zone. AI Growth Zones are designated areas that will rapidly accelerate AI data centre development and the needed infrastructure, ensuring no community is left behind as we harness the benefits of this revolutionary technology. By focusing government support on planning and energy and committing to scaling each zone up to 500MW in collaboration with network operators, these zones will attract significant private investment, create local jobs, and strengthen the UK’s global AI leadership – delivering opportunities for working people across the country.
Culham’s unique existing high-power infrastructure by virtue of connection to the National Grid, land capacity, proximity to London and its DC network infrastructure, proximity of other regeneration projects with commercial tenants, and world-class fusion research capabilities make it the perfect location for the first AI Growth Zone.
To deliver on this ambition, UKAEA intends to release c10 acres of land and its reconfigured power connections. The high voltage infrastructure provides connections to both 132kV and 400kV electricity grids with available spare capacity to initially deliver approximately 100MW of steady state, dual resilient power for the development of a mission-led AI data centre, potentially adjacent to other use cases (either Government led or commercial) – ideally with a focus upon driving near term economic growth and longer-term economic opportunities towards realisation of UK Net Zero. UKAEA expects that a portion of this facility (up to 20MW, or equivalent services) would be available on demand for fusion and broader R&D research.
The land earmarked for the facility also sits inside a secure, patrolled fence and is surrounded by tall, mature trees which will make it invisible to the outside world.
UKAEA would like to gauge industry’s interest in partnering opportunities to deliver the AI capabilities needed for fusion, in the most sustainable manner possible, whilst exploring commercial terms which make this an attractive investment opportunity. This opportunity may be of interest to Data Centre hosting organisations, Cloud Service Providers, industrial HPC / AI users, OEMs within the HPC supply chain and other forms of private investment.
UKAEA is aiming to establish a partnership that recognises the value of the site as ideally suited for an AI data centre, that creates a significant UK AI capability, and that produces mutual commercial benefit for both UKAEA and investing partners.
Strategic Investment Partner
UKAEA is considering a process to secure a long-term investment partner to contract with via a non-corporate Strategic Investment Partnership to fund the development and further expansion of the Culham Campus as an internationally leading fusion and fusion related technology cluster in South Oxfordshire.
It is the current intention that UKAEA shall seek to appoint a long-term investment partner to initially develop a commercial masterplan and delivery strategy for Culham Campus based on UKAEA’s goals and a shared vision between UKAEA and the investment partner. Thereafter the investment partner will be responsible for securing funding to facilitate the delivery of development, redevelopment, refurbishment and repurposing for the growth of the campus in line with the masterplan and delivery strategy on a plot-by-plot basis.
This will also include the branding and international marketing of the campus to attract commercial occupiers in relevant sectors that complement and benefit from the established campus activities.

Additional information

This PIN is to establish third party interest in these opportunities and to enable interested parties to gain a further understanding of UKAEA’s future vision at the Culham Campus. UKAEA is offering the opportunity for interested parties to attend an Information Day on Monday 10th March 2025. Registration details can be found in the supporting information.

Estimated date of publication of contract notice:


Section IV: Procedure




Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)

The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement : yes

Administrative information

Section VI: Complementary information


Additional information

The Authority reserves the right to cancel all or part of this PIN at any stage and at anytime; Amend, clarify, add to or withdraw all or any part of the PIN.