Date of dispatch of this notice: 13/02/2025
Expire date: 14/03/2025
External Reference: e277cae1-9285-4eb1-9cf0-f8f5a36e188b
Date of dispatch of this notice: 13/02/2025
Expire date: 14/03/2025
External Reference: e277cae1-9285-4eb1-9cf0-f8f5a36e188b
Official name: Yorkshire Housing Limited
Address line 1: C/O Trowers & Hamlins LLP 3 Bunhill Row
Town: London
Postal Code: EC1Y 8YZ
Country: England
Contact person: Emma Darby
Phone: +44 03453664404
Title attributed to the contract: Security Services
Repairs and maintenance of security systems across Yorkshire Housing portfolio, including, door access, intercom, CCTV, warden call, automatic gates and roller shutters
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