Date of dispatch of this notice: 04/02/2025
Expire date: 06/03/2025
External Reference: aaf8c223-13de-4b5a-9e01-06d390b2f036
Date of dispatch of this notice: 04/02/2025
Expire date: 06/03/2025
External Reference: aaf8c223-13de-4b5a-9e01-06d390b2f036
Official name: Greater Manchester Combined Authority - GMP
Address line 1: Openshaw Complex, Lawton Street, Openshaw
Town: Manchester
Postal Code: M11 2NS
Country: England
Contact person: John Mulpeter
Phone: +44 01618561140
Title attributed to the contract: Contract for: The Supply of a Hosted Integrated E-Portfolio System Divided Into 2 Lots.
Lot 1- GMP are seeking an E portfolio solution that can deliver individual learning plans and portfolio progression tracking for student officer training, Detective portfolios (PIP2) and Apprenticeships. Lot 2- GMP require a system that tracks portfolio progress throughout the learner journey.
The Authority reserves the right to award both lots to a single provider or award each lot to different providers. Based on the most economically advantageous option(s)
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