Date of dispatch of this notice: 04/02/2025
External Reference: fb3e57d8-bfe2-4946-b6bb-142abc03aced
Date of dispatch of this notice: 04/02/2025
External Reference: fb3e57d8-bfe2-4946-b6bb-142abc03aced
Official name: Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
Address line 1: Town Hall
Town: Barnsley, South Yorkshire
Postal Code: S70 2TA
Country: England
Contact person: Procurement
Phone: +44 01226000000
Title attributed to the contract: Bullhouse and Hazelhead Bridges (Trans Penine Trail)
Provision of repairs to Bullhouse and Hazelhead bridges which form part of the Public Rights of Way Network. The project aims to repair and replace the bridge decks on Bullhouse Bridge and Hazelhead Bridge along the Trans Pennine Trail between Dunford Bridge and Penistone.
Additional data
User / Company
Awarded Date: 30/01/2025
Awarded Value:
Contract start date: 31/01/2025
Contract end date: 30/01/2026