Date of dispatch of this notice: 29/01/2025
External Reference: ea6a6847-8a11-4628-8f2e-035c33caff2f
Date of dispatch of this notice: 29/01/2025
External Reference: ea6a6847-8a11-4628-8f2e-035c33caff2f
Official name: Sheffield City Council
Address line 1: Town Hall, Pinstone Street,
Town: Sheffield
Postal Code: S1 2HH
Country: England
Contact person: Tim Dent
Phone: +44 01142053646
Title attributed to the contract: Merchant Acquirer Services
The Council takes payments for various services, Council Tax, Business Rates etc. via several channels e.g. online, telephone etc. Through these different channels we process most of the card payments (debit and credit) through Access Group’s Pay360 solution. To be able us to take the card payments we need the services of a merchant acquirer who collect card-based payments which have been made via Pay360.
Additional data
User / Company
Awarded Date: 29/01/2025
Awarded Value:
Contract start date: 03/03/2025
Contract end date: 02/03/2030