Date of dispatch of this notice: 31/01/2025
External Reference: 0b0d4f9f-d2f4-4831-a47e-94564bfa2735
Date of dispatch of this notice: 31/01/2025
External Reference: 0b0d4f9f-d2f4-4831-a47e-94564bfa2735
Official name: East Riding of Yorkshire Council
Address line 1: County Hall, Cross Street,
Town: Beverley
Postal Code: HU17 9BA
Country: England
Contact person: Michelle Kemp
Phone: +44 1482395022
Title attributed to the contract: Window Cleaning
Window Cleaning services to various sites within the area administered by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council. This includes services for council buildings (offices and depots, leisure centres, libraries, day centres, customer service centres etc.) as well as schools and is to run for four years from commencement.
Additional data
User / Company
Awarded Date: 15/11/2024
Awarded Value:
Contract start date: 04/11/2024
Contract end date: 03/11/2028