Date of dispatch of this notice: 27/01/2025
Expire date: 24/02/2025
External Reference: 2e30b4aa-4d4c-4f21-b905-8f30265e4809
Date of dispatch of this notice: 27/01/2025
Expire date: 24/02/2025
External Reference: 2e30b4aa-4d4c-4f21-b905-8f30265e4809
Official name: Nottingham Trent University (NTU)
Address line 1: 50 Shakespeare Street
Town: Nottingham
Postal Code: NG1 4FQ
Country: England
Contact person: Martin Parr
Phone: +44 1158484741
Title attributed to the contract: Ductwork Cleaning
As part of Nottingham Trent University’s maintenance procedures, all ventilation systems are to be maintained to standards identified in industry guidance and regulation. The ductwork across the estate will require cleaning to maintain acceptable contamination levels, as identified during the ductwork sampling inspections.
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