Date of dispatch of this notice: 22/01/2025
Expire date: 24/02/2025
External Reference: 7abab9ae-5c92-40d9-8c3d-0f6286c83cf2
Date of dispatch of this notice: 22/01/2025
Expire date: 24/02/2025
External Reference: 7abab9ae-5c92-40d9-8c3d-0f6286c83cf2
Official name: The North Yorkshire Council
Address line 1: County Hall, Racecourse Lane,
Town: Northallerton
Postal Code: DL7 8AD
Country: England
Contact person:
Phone: +44 1609533450
Title attributed to the contract: Asbestos Abatement Service Providing Encapsulation and Planned and Responsive Repairs
The overall objective of this Asbestos Abatement contract is to provide Responsive Repairs and Planned Repairs to ensure that all sites under this agreement meet health & safety requirements and are maintained and inspected appropriately. Work must be carried out in accordance with appropriate British Standards, Approved Codes of Practice, SFG 20 Guidelines and Manufactures specifications.
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