Date of dispatch of this notice: 21/01/2025
Expire date: 30/01/2025
External Reference: 42cd3bbf-1189-4d9a-a882-11f59dfd253c
Date of dispatch of this notice: 21/01/2025
Expire date: 30/01/2025
External Reference: 42cd3bbf-1189-4d9a-a882-11f59dfd253c
Official name: Leeds City Council
Address line 1: Civic Hall, 3rd Floor West,
Town: Leeds
Postal Code: LS1 1UR
Country: England
Contact person: Simon Thorpe
Phone: +44 01130000000
Title attributed to the contract: Delivery of Adaptations to Private Dwellings in respect of Stairlifts and Specialist Lifts
Leeds City Council is undertaking a market sounding exercise to assist its procurement strategy to establish a list of contractors which can be accessed by residents in private sector housing should they choose to do so. We propose to appoint two Contractors to the list to deliver the manufacture, supply and installation of Stairlifts and three contractors to the list to deliver the manufacture, supply and installation of Specialist Lifts. Properties will be a mix of privately owned dwellings, privately rented and housing association properties. For avoidance of doubt, these arrangements will not be contracts between Leeds City Council and the Contractor.
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