Date of dispatch of this notice: 16/01/2025
Expire date: 14/02/2025
External Reference: 179fbf22-2858-4d79-a35a-56912e96445f
Date of dispatch of this notice: 16/01/2025
Expire date: 14/02/2025
External Reference: 179fbf22-2858-4d79-a35a-56912e96445f
Official name: Hull City Council
Address line 1: The Guildhall, Alfred Gelder Street
Town: Hull
Postal Code: HU1 2AA
Country: England
Contact person: ISRAEL ADEPOJU
Phone: +44 7872416549
Title attributed to the contract: Gipsyville Multi-Purpose Centre Refurbishment Works of Office Spaces and new IT Suites
The works involve the Refurbishment of new IT suites, meeting rooms and office spaces, this includes installation of new doors, demolition of existing walls, installation of new Floor, Wall and Ceiling finishes and alteration of Electrical and Mechanical systems.
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