Date of dispatch of this notice: 15/01/2025
Expire date: 10/02/2025
External Reference: b3228f3b-c2f6-4828-a895-7817ea8d8468
Date of dispatch of this notice: 15/01/2025
Expire date: 10/02/2025
External Reference: b3228f3b-c2f6-4828-a895-7817ea8d8468
Official name: City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Address line 1: Britannia House, Hall Ings
Town: Bradford
Postal Code: BD1 1HX
Country: England
Contact person: Andy Ross
Title attributed to the contract: Burley Trojans – Groundworks and Changing Pavillion
The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (The Council) requires a suitably qualified and experienced Contractor to provide an access road, drainage and groundworks to support the installation of a prefabricated changing pavilion at Burley / Iron Row Recreation Ground, York Road, Burley In Wharfedale, LS29 7DH. The changing pavilion is required to be delivered by NCU or to an equal standard and specification based upon the NCU design Please see Appendix 1 – Specification for full details We expect that the works on site should take no longer than 6 months. The anticipated value of the contract is £420,000.
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User / Company
Contract has been advertised.