Date of dispatch of this notice: 14/01/2025
Expire date: 28/01/2025
External Reference: e06ca197-7eb6-47d4-8c91-84227771da51
Date of dispatch of this notice: 14/01/2025
Expire date: 28/01/2025
External Reference: e06ca197-7eb6-47d4-8c91-84227771da51
Official name: Sheffield City Council
Address line 1: Town Hall, Pinstone Street,
Town: Sheffield
Postal Code: S1 2HH
Country: England
Contact person: Lisa Oxley
Title attributed to the contract: CLOUGH DIKE CULVERT REPAIRS
The works comprise the replacement of a short section of blocked/collapsed 600mm diameter culvert approximately 18m deep (potentially involving the use of sunken caissons) and the re-lining of two sections of deformed 600mm diameter culvert totalling approximately 120m in length at depths ranging from 5m to 18m (potentially using a cured in place UV lining). Detailed proposals and designs will be the responsibility of the contractor.
The SSQ and draft Tender Information is now available to download by logging into and searching for the job reference number RE06091 - Clough Dyke Culvert Repairs. The SSQ's are to be returned electronically.
Tenderers are advised to allow adequate time for uploading the documents to ensure that the submission deadline is met. The SSQ is to be submitted via to be received not later than 12 noon on Tuesday 28 January 2025.