Date of dispatch of this notice: 13/01/2025
Expire date: 12/02/2025
External Reference: c64a5aec-d721-4463-9e46-35b26ea1c60e
Date of dispatch of this notice: 13/01/2025
Expire date: 12/02/2025
External Reference: c64a5aec-d721-4463-9e46-35b26ea1c60e
Official name: United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
Address line 1: Culham Campus
Town: Abingdon
Postal Code: OX14 3DB
Country: England
Contact person: Phil Perkins
Phone: +44 1235467147
Title attributed to the contract: RAICo - Marketing and Communications Services
To provide marketing & communications support to RAICo to include: > Develop a 4 year Marketing and Communications Strategy > Provide engaging communications to target audiences via multiple channels As further described in the attached documentation.
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