Date of dispatch of this notice: 06/01/2025
Expire date: 10/02/2025
External Reference: c0cff95f-cccc-41d0-bbeb-0ff1cbe8f51b
Date of dispatch of this notice: 06/01/2025
Expire date: 10/02/2025
External Reference: c0cff95f-cccc-41d0-bbeb-0ff1cbe8f51b
Official name: London Borough of Lambeth
Address line 1: Town Hall, Brixton Hill
Town: London
Postal Code: SW2 1RW
Country: England
Contact person: Helen Lee
Phone: +44 2079269365
Title attributed to the contract: Procurement of a delivery partner for New Homes 6
The Mayor and Burgesses of London Borough of Lambeth wish to appoint a delivery partner to enter into an agreement for the delivery of New Homes 6, providing the opportunity to develop out a number of council-owned residential-led development sites across the borough.
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