Date of dispatch of this notice: 29/11/2024
Expire date: 16/01/2025
External Reference: 7d7d9867-5890-4682-9e45-b5d0c673c87b
Date of dispatch of this notice: 29/11/2024
Expire date: 16/01/2025
External Reference: 7d7d9867-5890-4682-9e45-b5d0c673c87b
Official name: London Borough of Lambeth
Address line 1: Town Hall, Brixton Hill
Town: London
Postal Code: SW2 1RW
Country: England
Contact person: Vincent Ibe
Phone: +44 7890572194
Title attributed to the contract: Brixton Recreation Centre Ten Pin Bowling Lane
The London Borough of Lambeth is seeking to appoint an experienced specialist contractor for the construction, supply and installation of a new 10 Pin Bowling Lane equipment at Brixton Recreation Centre. The Bowling supply and installation contractor is to complete the design of and carry out the site installation of the bowling equipment fit out.
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