Date of dispatch of this notice: 29/11/2024
External Reference: 52c3982a-08f9-4909-bb8e-f82e8fd6559e
Date of dispatch of this notice: 29/11/2024
External Reference: 52c3982a-08f9-4909-bb8e-f82e8fd6559e
Official name: University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust
Address line 1: Royal Stoke University Hospital, Newcastle Road
Town: Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire
Postal Code: ST4 6QG
Country: England
Contact person: Cameron Sidley
Phone: +44 1782672675
Title attributed to the contract: Domestic Waste & Recycling Service
North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust is seeking a supplier(s) with the appropriate service, experience and competitive pricing to supply it with a Domestic Waste and Recycling service. NHS SBS awarded a Sustainable Healthcare Recycling & Waste Management Framework Agreement. North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare Trust wishes to run a ‘further-competition’ under this framework agreement, specifically Lot 5.1, to obtain the Provision of Domestic Waste and Recycling Service.
Additional data
Awarded Date: 29/11/2024
Awarded Value:
Contract start date: 01/12/2024
Contract end date: 30/11/2027