Date of dispatch of this notice: 27/11/2024
Expire date: 17/01/2025
External Reference: 7dc59cf0-4196-45ae-ba52-5c3a0ba748e1
Date of dispatch of this notice: 27/11/2024
Expire date: 17/01/2025
External Reference: 7dc59cf0-4196-45ae-ba52-5c3a0ba748e1
Official name: University of Exeter
Address line 1: Northcote House
Town: Exeter
Postal Code: EX4 4QH
Country: England
Contact person: Jo Tudor
Phone: +44 1392723333
Title attributed to the contract: Provision of Event Services Framework
Event Exeter, operating as part of the University of Exeter, is responsible for overseeing all events held across its Streatham and St Luke’s campuses. These events span a broad range of sizes and types, from smaller functions for approximately 100 attendees to large-scale concerts and gatherings for up to 1,700 guests. Events are held year-round, with security needs adapted to meet the unique demands of each occasion. To successfully run these events we are looking for a range of suppliers to join our internal framework from which we will call off as needed. The areas we require are security, medical cover, marquee hire and furniture and equipment hire, detailed in four separate lots.
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