Date of dispatch of this notice: 18/11/2024
Expire date: 06/01/2025
External Reference: a06a33a4-4522-4557-92c4-1ffb6553bbe1
Date of dispatch of this notice: 18/11/2024
Expire date: 06/01/2025
External Reference: a06a33a4-4522-4557-92c4-1ffb6553bbe1
Official name: Plymouth Community Homes
Address line 1: Plumer House Tailyour Road
Town: Plymouth
Postal Code: PL6 5DH
Country: England
Contact person: Elizabeth Wright
Phone: +44 1752388261
Title attributed to the contract: Reactive Roofing
To identify and appoint a suitable Contractor to provide Reactive Roofing Services in PCH properties as detailed in the specification at Appendix 3 of the Invitation to tender.
Additional data
User / Company