Live Opportunity



Date of dispatch of this notice: 06/01/2025

Expire date: 21/02/2025

External Reference: 1a6b9f18-f627-4e0b-ac36-458320a628e5

Live Opportunity

Cached Version

Preliminary Data

Type of contract: Products
Procedure: Open

Contact information

Official name: Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium (SUPC)
Address line 1: Reading Enterprise Centre, The University of Reading, Whiteknights Road, Earley Gate
Town: Reading
Postal Code: RG6 6BU
Country: England
Contact person: Gavin Phillips
Phone: +44 1182284020

Contract information

Title attributed to the contract: Books, e-books and associated services

Framework agreement for the supply of books, e-books and associated resources and services. This tender is split into 9 Lots. Participating consortia cover universities and other Public Sector members including (but not limited to) schools, colleges, Multi-Academy Trusts, government departments and research institutes across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The named consortia are SUPC, NEUPC, NWUPC, LUPC, HEPCW, Academic Libraries North, NEYAL, MUAL, and WHELF.

Common procurement vocabulary (CPV)
22113000   Library books
22100000   Printed books, brochures and leaflets
22110000   Printed books
22111000   School books
22112000   Textbooks
22114000   Dictionaries, maps, music books and other books

Expire date: 21/02/2025 12:00
Contract start date: 01/06/2025
Contract end date: 31/05/2029

Lowest value: 0
Highest value: 450000000

Complementary information

Is this suitable for SME (Small and Medium Enterprises)?:
Is this suitable for VCSE (Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise)?:
Postal Code: RG6 6BU

Additional Details

There are no attachments.


Framework agreement for the supply of books, e-books and associated resources and services. This tender is split into 9 Lots. Participating consortia cover universities and other Public Sector members including (but not limited to) schools, colleges, Multi-Academy Trusts, government departments and research institutes across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The named consortia are SUPC, NEUPC, NWUPC, LUPC, HEPCW, Academic Libraries North, NEYAL, MUAL, and WHELF.