Awarded Contract



Date of dispatch of this notice: 18/09/2024

External Reference: 3848d882-94d9-4df4-9ff0-791ac1b88206

Awarded Contract

Cached Version

Preliminary Data

Type of contract: Services
Procedure: Open
Awarded Procedure Type: Open

Contact information

Official name: The North Yorkshire Council
Address line 1: County Hall, Racecourse Lane,
Town: Northallerton
Postal Code: DL7 8AD
Country: England
Contact person: Charlotte Stolarski
Phone: +44 1609533450

Contract information

Title attributed to the contract: Library Management System for North Yorkshire Council

The Authority wishes to award a Contract to one Supplier for a Library Management System. The System is to provide management of stock, library user records, transactions for issues, returns, renewals and reservations, manages related finance payments .  It is also the front-facing public side of the service (public web-based catalogue) and supports self-service including account management and library user notifications.

Common procurement vocabulary (CPV)
48161000   Library management system
72212160   Library software development services

Expire date: 11/06/2024 11:00
Contract start date: 01/09/2024
Contract end date: 31/03/2032

Lowest value: 0
Highest value: 418000

Complementary information

Is this suitable for SME (Small and Medium Enterprises)?:
Is this suitable for VCSE (Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise)?:
Postal Code: DL7 8AD

Additional Details

Attachment 0

Additional data
Attachment 1

User / Company

Award Information

Awarded Date: 30/08/2024
Awarded Value: 276,374.00
Contract start date: 01/09/2024
Contract end date: 31/03/2032

Supplier Information 0
Supplier's name:
Civica UK Limited
Supplier's address:
Eighth Floor, Southbank Central, 30 Stamford Street, London, SE1 9LQ
Contact person:
DUNS number of supplier:
Additional information:
