Date of dispatch of this notice: 19/08/2024
Expire date: 20/09/2024
External Reference: ab6b8e7a-b79f-4726-b36e-d37336cea216
Date of dispatch of this notice: 19/08/2024
Expire date: 20/09/2024
External Reference: ab6b8e7a-b79f-4726-b36e-d37336cea216
Official name: Jisc
Address line 1: 4 Portwall Lane
Town: Bristol
Postal Code: BS1 6NB
Country: England
Contact person: Sarah Rowlands
Phone: +44 01174500469
Title attributed to the contract: Request for proposals for Knowledge Exchange Project consultancy - Innovating Scholarly Communication: Navigating the future of APP's
As part of its work on Open Science, the Knowledge Exchange (KE) is exploring how to raise awareness of alternative publishing platforms (APP) among the research community and research supporting institutions. We are commissioning a study to discover how APP functionalities can support innovation in scholarly communication and gain deeper insights about the maturity and development of alternative platforms. Proposals and outputs will be in English, and we expect that interviews will be in English.
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