Date of dispatch of this notice: 13/08/2024
Expire date: 16/09/2024
External Reference: c2daaf49-e969-4918-a55b-eaaf459fc822
Date of dispatch of this notice: 13/08/2024
Expire date: 16/09/2024
External Reference: c2daaf49-e969-4918-a55b-eaaf459fc822
Official name: The Police and Crime Commissioner for Derbyshire
Address line 1: Derbyshire Constabulary
Address line 2:Police Headquarters, Butterley Hall
Town: Ripley,
Postal Code: DE5 3RS
Country: England
Contact person: Lindsay Beresford-King
E-mail: Lindsay.Beresford-King@Derbyshire.Police.UK
Title attributed to the contract: Lift Maintenance and Servicing
The Lead Contracting Body wishes to establish single Provider(s) Contracts for the provision of Lift Maintenance and Servicing. The Lead Contracting Body is managing this procurement process in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (the “Regulations”). This Contract is being procured under the Open Tender procedure.
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