Date of dispatch of this notice: 07/08/2024
Expire date: 18/09/2024
External Reference: df530539-0c96-434f-a24f-49a11dcee49c
Date of dispatch of this notice: 07/08/2024
Expire date: 18/09/2024
External Reference: df530539-0c96-434f-a24f-49a11dcee49c
Official name: Nottingham Trent University (NTU)
Address line 1: 50 Shakespeare Street
Town: Nottingham
Postal Code: NG1 4FQ
Country: England
Contact person: Martin Parr
Phone: +44 1158484741
Title attributed to the contract: Newton Building Lift Works
To partially modernise and improve the existing lift installations by replacing the complete interconnected group and individual lift control system including the drive controllers. There are also several optional items highlighted in the following Specification. The existing Hall Call Allocation / Destination Control System is to be replaced with either. a) An improved Hall Call Allocation system with Destination Hall Stations and Car Push Stations in the 2 Fire Fighting lifts. b) An ETA based algorithm system with traditional car and Hall Call Stations and Car Push Stations in all the lift cars.
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