Date of dispatch of this notice: 23/07/2024
Expire date: 29/08/2024
External Reference: 6ab8c3ee-22a0-40f5-8c18-288d67b34585
Date of dispatch of this notice: 23/07/2024
Expire date: 29/08/2024
External Reference: 6ab8c3ee-22a0-40f5-8c18-288d67b34585
Official name: North East Lincolnshire Council
Address line 1: Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square
Town: Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire
Postal Code: DN31 1HU
Country: England
Contact person: Jennie Rogers
Phone: +44 1472326852
Title attributed to the contract: PS093c-23 Property Rationalisation Civic Offices
Equans, on behalf of North East Lincolnshire Council (NELC) are seeking the services of a suitably qualified contractor to carry out minor demolition works and reinstatement of an element of the historic facade. Restoration works to include masonry brickwork, ashlar stonework and reinstatement and repair of historic ironwork. Other works include hard and soft landscaping, fencing, minor internal alterations and associated mechanical and electrical works including the installation of a new wireless fire alarm system.
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