Date of dispatch of this notice: 04/07/2024
External Reference: 3c7fe84a-cdb1-40e2-90f1-c36ad1d5b7ec
Date of dispatch of this notice: 04/07/2024
External Reference: 3c7fe84a-cdb1-40e2-90f1-c36ad1d5b7ec
Official name: Nottingham Trent University (NTU)
Address line 1: 50 Shakespeare Street
Town: Nottingham
Postal Code: NG1 4FQ
Country: England
Contact person: Dean Scaife
Phone: +44 1158482921
Title attributed to the contract: Functional Skills Training
The University requires the appointed Supplier to be registered on the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers as either a Main or Supporting Provider and shall deliver the services in accordance with the ESFA Funding Rules for Training Providers. At Nottingham Trent University, we contract with employers for apprenticeship delivery at a national level, with apprentices located at work sites across England. The breadth of our apprenticeship offer means that we deliver training to apprentices from a diverse range of backgrounds. This includes, young apprentices on Level 3 apprenticeships that are new to the world of work who may be continuing directly from previous study at Key Stage 4. Additionally, we also work with apprentices on the Level 7 Senior Leader apprenticeship who are senior executives that may have been out of formal education for some time. This diverse population of learners requires an innovative approach to delivery that is sensitive to the needs and expectations of a wide range of learners. Consequently, we are seeking a delivery partner with the ability to design and deliver a high-quality and engaging delivery model that provides a predominantly online/blended solution. Providers should also be able to offer a full delivery solution, from initial assessment to examination and certification. Deadline for clarifications: 3rd April 2024 12:00 Deadline for express of interest: 3rd April 2024 12:00 Tender response deadline: 5th April 2024 12:00
Additional data
User / Company
Awarded Date: 04/07/2024
Awarded Value:
Contract start date: 05/07/2024
Contract end date: 04/07/2028