Date of dispatch of this notice: 24/06/2024
External Reference: 26a234a8-7243-41c5-99ee-c50e6fd4a875
Date of dispatch of this notice: 24/06/2024
External Reference: 26a234a8-7243-41c5-99ee-c50e6fd4a875
Official name: The Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner for Cumbria
Address line 1: Police Headquarters, Carleton Hall
Town: Penrith, Cumbria
Postal Code: CA10 2AU
Country: England
Contact person: Elaine Allan
Phone: +44 3001240113
Title attributed to the contract: Victim Services for Cumbria
The Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner for Cumbria (the Commissioner) is intending to undertake a procurement exercise to procure Victim Services with a contract renewal commencing 1st April 2024.Victim Services would offer support to victims of crime, whether or not they chose to report this to the Police. This would include provision of information on the service to potential service users, triage, individual assessment of needs and risk, needs-led provision of emotional and practical support, support with the criminal justice process and advocacy. The service would incorporate support for some victims of antisocial behaviour and for survivors of domestic abuse and sexual abuse or sexual assault, including universal, Independent Domestic Violence Advisor and Independent Sexual Violence Advisor services. The Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner has been working with other local partner agencies to confirm the funding and scope of this service. The contract duration would initially be 3 years from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2027 with discretionary extension periods of three 12-months periods up to 31 March 2030. The estimated total contract value included is notice the envisaged maximum potential value, including confirmed & unconfirmed funding, extensions for the full 6-year contract period, option to include a 12-month MOJ grant funded arrangement, & scope for further externally grant funded opportunities to be incorporated (if they arise & the Commissioner/provider are successful with the grant funding bids).
Additional data
User / Company
Awarded Date: 23/05/2024
Awarded Value:
Contract start date: 01/04/2024
Contract end date: 31/03/2030
The competition process is being carried out under the Light Touch Regime detailed in section 7 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (the ‘Regulations’) and modelled and underpinned on the open procedure.