Date of dispatch of this notice: 22/08/2024
Expire date: 25/09/2024
External Reference: cc86ab91-2d4f-4e24-b229-2cee84c15efd
Date of dispatch of this notice: 22/08/2024
Expire date: 25/09/2024
External Reference: cc86ab91-2d4f-4e24-b229-2cee84c15efd
Official name: Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
Address line 1: Riverside House, Main Street
Town: Rotherham
Postal Code: S60 1AE
Country: England
Contact person: Yvonne Dutton
Phone: +44 1709334165
Title attributed to the contract: Supply & Distribution of Baby Packs (1)
The Council are looking to at entering into a 24-month contract with a single provider for the supply and distribution of baby packs. The baby pack scheme consists of purchasing good quality goods, assembling and then delivering an agreed baby pack to new mums in Rotherham who have indicated to their midwife that they would like to receive a pack. Mums which includes foster carers, adoptive parents and kinship carers. The provider will be required to deliver an indicative of 2800 baby packs annually. This figure is based on annual birth trends over the last two years however the volumes will be subject to the completion of the registration process and may fluctuate.
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