Date of dispatch of this notice: 24/01/2024
Expire date: 15/02/2024
External Reference: 24c6471a-3eef-4640-93ee-06115a106f5e
Date of dispatch of this notice: 24/01/2024
Expire date: 15/02/2024
External Reference: 24c6471a-3eef-4640-93ee-06115a106f5e
Official name: Sheffield City Council
Address line 1: Town Hall, Pinstone Street,
Town: Sheffield
Postal Code: S1 2HH
Country: England
Contact person: Raisah Shazad
Phone: +44 01142734440
Title attributed to the contract: Employment Skills Strategy
SCC is leading on a project to deliver an Employment & Skills Strategy for Sheffield, on behalf of a citywide partners. SCC intends to commission an external consultant to develop this strategy.
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