Scope of the procurement
Key Worker Housing
Reference number:
Development of residential real estate
Short description
Delivery of key worker accommodation at Southmead Hospital, Bristol through an IFRIC-12 compliant off-balance from a national perspective sheet model, funded, constructed and operated by the Developer.
Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots:
Additional CPV code(s)
Multi-dwelling buildings construction work
Renting or leasing services of own property
Residential property renting or leasing services
Residential property services
Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
Building and facilities management services
Accommodation management services
Place of performance
NUTS code:
UK -
Main site or place of performance:
Southmead Hospital, Bristol
Description of the procurement
North Bristol NHS Trust (the Trust) has identified a substantial need for affordable housing among staff working for the Trust and its Integrated Care System partners. The Trust has identified a site at Southmead Hospital site in Bristol which it considers may be suitable for development as residential accommodation.
Working with NHS England and the Department of Health and Social Care, the Trust has developed its proposed solution for the delivery of key worker housing which is designed, funded, constructed and operated by a Developer.
A key requirement for the Trust is that the commercial model adopted is IFRIC-12 compliant and off-balance sheet from a national perspective.
The Trust wishes to invite interested organisations to participate in a market engagement process to obtain feedback on the proposed approach in order to finalise the details for a subsequent procurement process.
Interested organisations should register their interest via the EU Supply portal address set out at I.3. In order to maximise the benefit of the market engagement process the Trust wishes to share details of the background, the expected scope of the opportunity and the commercial and procurement strategy. This information is confidential and therefore on registration, organisations will be required to enter into a Non-Disclosure Agreement confirming that they will not disclose or use any of the information to be shared during the market engagement process.
The market engagement process will include a virtual market engagement briefing session on Tuesday 14 November at 15:00 via MS Teams, with an opportunity to ask questions and provide any feedback.
Interested organisations may also opt to participate in 1:1 discussions on the Trust’s proposed approach. These discussions are timetabled to take place between Wednesday 15th November – Friday 17th November following the virtual market engagement briefing event and may take place virtually or in person. Following the market engagement event, organisations which opt to participate in 1:1 discussions may be provided with additional information in order to assist the discussions and provide feedback. Participants in the 1:1 sessions will also have the ability to provide written feedback following the discussions.
The Trust, in consultation with NHSE and DHSC will review the feedback provided and consider this in relation to its requirements.
Organisations interested in attending the virtual market engagement briefing event and participating in the 1:1 discussions will need to submit a signed NDA by midday on Monday 13th November 2023. Suppliers selected to participate in the 1:1 session will be at the discretion of the Trust.
Interested organisations that miss or are unable to attend the virtual market engagement briefing event or 1:1 briefing sessions are encouraged to participate in this engagement exercise. The deadline for raising any queries relating to this engagement exercise is 5pm on Thursday 23th November 2023. Please note, the Trust will only be responding to queries and comments during working hours. Anything received after the end of the working day will be addressed the following working day.
Responses to this engagement exercise are to submitted by midday on Friday 24th November. Please contact CTM if you encounter any issues with the portal.
Information about European Union funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: