Date of dispatch of this notice: 01/11/2023
Expire date: 29/11/2023
External Reference: 2485d804-8877-4bdb-97c8-9866c211e957
Date of dispatch of this notice: 01/11/2023
Expire date: 29/11/2023
External Reference: 2485d804-8877-4bdb-97c8-9866c211e957
Official name: North East Lincolnshire Council
Address line 1: Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square
Town: Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire
Postal Code: DN31 1HU
Country: England
Contact person:
Title attributed to the contract: Design Architect Cleethorpes Levelling Up Fund - Market Place
The Client requires an Design Architect Consultant to deliver a suitably qualified and experienced, multi-disciplinary team to deliver RIBA Stage 0-3 Concept Designs for Market Place, Cleethorpes (the Project), to meet the Client’s vision for the Levelling Up Fund (LUF) project in line with the cost requirements and timing constraints. The Consultant shall ensure that the designs deliver the proposals and recommendations as set out within Cleethorpes Master Plan (2022). Funding and timescales: The LUF funding represents the primary source of funding. There are strict timescales attached to the LUF funding that are a material consideration for the project programme. The LUF grant is required to be fully spent by March 2025.
Please refer to procurement documentation attached to procurement portal.
Please refer to procurement documentation attached to procurement portal.
Version 1.