Date of dispatch of this notice: 15/08/2023
Expire date: 18/09/2023
External Reference: 0b929a65-cc74-4838-be24-9216db246c17
Date of dispatch of this notice: 15/08/2023
Expire date: 18/09/2023
External Reference: 0b929a65-cc74-4838-be24-9216db246c17
Official name: One Manchester Limited
Address line 1: Lovell House
Town: Manchester
Postal Code: M155RN
Country: England
Contact person: Aaron John
Phone: +44 1707339800
Title attributed to the contract: One Manchester Materials Supply contract
The provision of supply of all building related materials for One Manchester as set out in the procurement documents
The provision of all building and construction materials for the effective repairs of homes for One Manchester as set out in the procurement documents
User / Company