Workington Laboratory Refurbishment
Reference number:
Laboratory building construction work
NNL have been requested to install the necessary
equipment to develop a salt clean up development facility within NNL’s Workington facility.
The Sub-contractor is required to design, build, and commission a salt clean up development facility within the footprint of an area in the Workington rig hall facility.
The contract is to be placed to fulfil a requirement for a facility that can be used to develop methods for purifying salts from heavy metals.
The new laboratory is to be installed within the old CAF Lab. at NNL’s Workington Facility and be operational for 5 years.
The contractor scope of work is limited to the Laboratory facility redevelopment including the procurement and installation of the following equipment to enable operations and future capability..
Regulation, Standards Testing & Commissioning
CDM, EMC, COSHH, Current Electrical Mechanical, Compressed gases, Heating Ventilation and Drainage manufacture, installation, and commissioning standards.