Date of dispatch of this notice: 27/01/2023
Expire date: 03/03/2023
External Reference: b533fade-b5c1-4958-beb2-fc45f1f8a777
Date of dispatch of this notice: 27/01/2023
Expire date: 03/03/2023
External Reference: b533fade-b5c1-4958-beb2-fc45f1f8a777
Official name: London Borough of Lambeth
Address line 1: Town Hall, Brixton Hill
Town: London
Postal Code: SW2 1RW
Country: England
Contact person: Peter Ransom
Title attributed to the contract: Digital Records Solution
This programme will provide a single, council-wide, digital solution enabling us to store, access and retrieve the records we value safely and securely. What this means is knowing where our data is and how to access it on demand, improving our efficiency and the experience for the council, citizens, and communities. We will achieve this through digitising existing records and aligning existing digital data to a common standard across all council departments, enabling automatic retention and processing of records. By adopting a sustainable digital infrastructure, we will build the foundation for future improvements. This Tender is for the Scanning and digitisation of the Physical records, creation of a digital database, retrieval software and destruction of most of the records once scanned. Some physical records are required post scanning, e.g. Registrars records. Given the large volume of activity at the beginning of the contract, co-ordinating the transfer of the physical records from the incumbent supplier, the digitisation of those records (estimated 40million pages) and set up of the Digital Records Solution - it is anticipated the vast majority of expenditure (86%) of the estimated contract costs for the scheduled 8-year contract term will be incurred within the first 12-18 months of the contract. The contract duration is a maximum 8-year term, with provision for early termination from the end of the second year, where it is anticipated the digitisation process of existing physical records would have been completed. (Estimated Contract Value £6,980,000
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