Date of dispatch of this notice: 07/12/2022
Expire date: 09/01/2023
External Reference: 118d3234-eb4a-4190-b7f4-24a8e824905b
Date of dispatch of this notice: 07/12/2022
Expire date: 09/01/2023
External Reference: 118d3234-eb4a-4190-b7f4-24a8e824905b
Official name: London Borough of Lambeth
Address line 1: Town Hall, Brixton Hill
Town: London
Postal Code: SW2 1RW
Country: England
Contact person: Mark Warren
Phone: +44 2079261000
Title attributed to the contract: Adult Learning Approved Providers List re-opening
The Council’s Adult Learning Service (LAL) are seeking high-quality, innovative and experienced training providers to join our Approved Provider List (APL) and deliver accredited and non-accredited adult and community learning across Lambeth. This is a reopening of the APL to allow for potential additional providers to apply. We have a strong track record of working with our providers to engage priority residents, widening participation in lifelong learning and promoting social and economic inclusion in Lambeth. We ensure that our programmes are informed by national and local priorities and offer our residents access to opportunities that improve their skills and employment prospects. The service is responsible for the delivery of adult learning provision in the borough to adults aged over 19 and providing Lambeth residents the skills and confidence to progress to further learning and/or employment and make progress in their lives.
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