Date of dispatch of this notice: 22/12/2022
External Reference: 48f2f9cb-e03f-47fc-95b2-ca14812463f2
Date of dispatch of this notice: 22/12/2022
External Reference: 48f2f9cb-e03f-47fc-95b2-ca14812463f2
Official name: Town and Country Housing
Address line 1: Monson House
Address line 2:Monson Way
Town: Tunbridge Wells
Postal Code: TN1 1LQ
Country: England
Contact person: Mathew Baxter
Phone: +44 1707339800
Title attributed to the contract: Town and Country Housing Group - Housing Maintenance Joint Venture
Town and Country Housing ("TCH") sought Tenders from suitably skilled and experienced suppliers to become a Joint Venture Partner and enter into a Maintenance Agreement with the Joint Venture Company for its delivery of repairs, maintenance and planned improvement works to the Town and Country Housing Stock portfolio. The contracts have been entered into with the appointed supplier under an initial period of 12 years and 5 months, with the option to extend until 31st March 2050 (27 years and 5 months in total) at TCH's sole discretion. TCH conducted the procurement pursuant to the Competitive Dialogue procedure.
Awarded Date: 27/06/2022
Awarded Value:
Contract start date: 01/11/2022
Contract end date: 31/03/2050