Date of dispatch of this notice: 21/10/2022
Expire date: 30/11/2022
External Reference: 64bd28ac-ec72-4167-9e2a-ec0e222c2c65
Date of dispatch of this notice: 21/10/2022
Expire date: 30/11/2022
External Reference: 64bd28ac-ec72-4167-9e2a-ec0e222c2c65
Official name: Sheffield City Council
Address line 1: Town Hall, Pinstone Street,
Town: Sheffield
Postal Code: S1 2HH
Country: England
Contact person: Wanqi Zhang
Phone: +44 1142053152
Title attributed to the contract: Mortuary Products – Medico Legal
The Medico-Legal Centre, purpose built to provide facilities and services required for the investigation of sudden or unexpected death, comprised the offices and court of HM Coroner for South Yorkshire West District, the Sheffield public mortuary and the Forensic Pathology and Legal Medicine Department of the Forensic Science Service. Sheffield City Council staff provide the Reception, Mortuary and Coroner’s support services.
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