Date of dispatch of this notice: 18/10/2022
Expire date: 28/10/2022
External Reference: 9cfc20ea-a4b6-4cd9-a65f-61df2f725c80
Date of dispatch of this notice: 18/10/2022
Expire date: 28/10/2022
External Reference: 9cfc20ea-a4b6-4cd9-a65f-61df2f725c80
Official name: University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust
Address line 1: Royal Stoke University Hospital, Newcastle Road
Town: Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire
Postal Code: ST4 6QG
Country: England
Contact person: Paul Cumberlidge
Phone: +44 7795452694
Title attributed to the contract: Architectural Services Consultant/QS and Cost Advisor/Principle Designer
The appointment of Lead Design Consultant/Architect, Quantity Surveyor/Cost Advisor and Principle Designer for the proposed development to convert the old Ward 80/81 from a clinical nightingale ward into office accommodation for the Trust's ICT Department.
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