Prior information notice



Expire date: 16/09/2022

External Reference: 2022-549185

FTS Reference: 2022-022694

Prior information notice

Prior information notice


This notice is for prior information only

Section I: Contracting authority


Name and addresses

Greater Manchester Combined Authority - Greater Manchester Police
GB 183 0464 15
Openshaw Complex, Lawton Street, Openshaw
M11 2NS
Contact person: Ali Cordrey
Telephone: +44 1618561333
NUTS code:  UKD3 -  Greater Manchester
Internet address(es):


The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at:
Additional information can be obtained from
the abovementioned address:  

Type of the contracting authority

Body governed by public law

Main activity

Public order and safety

Section II: Object


Scope of the procurement



Police Records Management System (RMS)
Reference number:  A0899

Main CPV code

72212100  -  Industry specific software development services

Type of contract


Short description

Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), as the contracting authority for Greater Manchester Police, will shortly undertake a competitive procurement to appoint a supplier to provide and fully manage a highly resilient, cloud hosted, mature UK PACE complaint Police RMS. The successful bidder will be required to work alongside representatives from GMP and relevant 3rd parties, to implement and configure the system to the requirements of GMP, including the provision of appropriate resources to support this.

Estimated total value

Value excluding VAT: 30000000.00  GBP

Information about lots

This contract is divided into lots: no



Additional CPV code(s)

48000000  -  Software package and information systems
48100000  -  Industry specific software package
48610000  -  Database systems
48780000  -  System, storage and content management software package
72212311  -  Document management software development services
72212610  -  Database software development services
72212783  -  Content management software development services
72300000  -  Data services
72313000  -  Data capture services
72317000  -  Data storage services
72318000  -  Data transmission services
72322000  -  Data management services
79996100  -  Records management

Place of performance

NUTS code:  UKD3 -  Greater Manchester

Description of the procurement

GMP needs a central, secure, cloud-based (UK) electronic records management system (RMS) to enable it to store, retrieve, retain, archive, and view information, records, or files pertaining to law enforcement operations. This will almost certainly include a workflow capability to enhance and streamline daily processes.
A vision of the future GMP RMS is to manage the development of records from initial generation to completion, including documents for the end-to-end process of reporting / logging alleged (and actual) crimes, through the investigation, arrest, detention, caution, and referral stages for prosecution. Additional functionality would allow the management of access rights and related other documentation for GMP operations.
The future GMP RMS will provide some basic evidence management capabilities and integrate directly with our specific solutions that already do so, whilst allowing multi-agency data sharing as appropriate.
The system being procured will replace an existing RMS and will need to be integrated with other GMP and national systems. Some amount of data migration into the new RMS will be required.
The successful supplier will be expected to use their knowledge and experience of the policing sector, not just in planning and undertaking the technical implementation but also in supporting GMP to design and develop business aspects of the rollout, including identification of training needs and solutions, definition of requirements around data migration and informing decisions to mitigate risks associated with the system cut over.

Additional information

The Invitation to Tender and other tender documents have not yet been issued for this contract – the full specification will be published at the same time as the FTS Contract Notice, in November 2022.
All information provided in this PIN, including the total contract value, is the current best estimate for a full 10-year contract, and may be revised prior to the issue of the Contract Notice.

Estimated date of publication of contract notice:


Section IV: Procedure




Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)

The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement : yes

Administrative information

Section VI: Complementary information


Additional information

The procurement will be undertaken through an Open FTS procedure.
The scope of the contract will be flexible to the requirements of the force over the life of the contract, and to functional and innovative developments in the sector during that period. With that in mind, additional functionality may be purchased from the contracted supplier in line with the modification of contract provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations (2015).
A number of formal market engagement activities will take place during the Summer and Autumn of 2022, which is likely to include one-to-one engagement sessions with suppliers.
Information provided by suppliers during these sessions may be used by GMP to inform the force’s future requirements, including in the development of business cases, project plans, product or service specifications and compliant routes to market.
For this reason, GMP are keen to hear from suppliers who have previous experience in delivering a Police RMS to the UK market, which is fully managed, cloud hosted and PACE compliant. Suppliers who meet these criteria are encouraged to register their interest via the Bluelight system ( and ensure their account has up-to-date contact details. GMP will contact those who register an interest with further details of next steps.
It is also expected that an Industry Open Day event will be held for this contract, in advance of the publication of the Invitation to Tender – in late October 2022.
The purpose of this event will be to provide interested parties with an update on the Force’s requirements following earlier market engagement activity; gather further feedback from the market to assist in the refinement of the final specification and provide suppliers with information on the procurement process which will follow.
It should be noted that information disclosed by parties during the market engagement phase will not form part of the assessment of any current or future competitive procurement exercise.
GMCA is committed to the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012; ensuring that social, economic, and environmental issues are considered at all stages of our commissioning and procuring process, and as part of the whole life cost of a contract. More information can be found on the GMCA website at