Date of dispatch of this notice: 08/07/2022
Expire date: 26/08/2022
External Reference: a5463b1a-f3cf-4ddd-8ef8-06ce7d574f4f
Date of dispatch of this notice: 08/07/2022
Expire date: 26/08/2022
External Reference: a5463b1a-f3cf-4ddd-8ef8-06ce7d574f4f
Official name: BlueLight Commercial
Address line 1: Lloyd House, Colmore Circus Queensway
Town: Birmingham
Postal Code: B4 6FG
Country: England
Contact person: Hayley Cairns
Phone: 07811 028 231
Title attributed to the contract: Provision of General Patrol and Firearms Body Armour
BlueLight Commercial Ltd are procuring a Framework on behalf of UK bluelight services for the provision of Body Armour. The intention is to award a four year Framework Agreement.
User / Company