Date of dispatch of this notice: 13/05/2022
Expire date: 20/06/2022
External Reference: d11525fe-fb3f-4164-9a79-dcfb0266fd9d
Date of dispatch of this notice: 13/05/2022
Expire date: 20/06/2022
External Reference: d11525fe-fb3f-4164-9a79-dcfb0266fd9d
Official name: Greater Manchester Combined Authority - GMP
Address line 1: Openshaw Complex, Lawton Street, Openshaw
Town: Manchester
Postal Code: M11 2NS
Country: England
Contact person: John Mulpeter
Phone: +44 01618561140
Title attributed to the contract: Police Custody Healthcare and Forensic Service
Greater Manchester Police are looking for a provider to deliver the healthcare of detainees in custody. The Police Custody Healthcare and Forensic Service operates within all GMP custody suites and provides a clinical assessment of a patient's fitness for detention, interview, charge or supports an exit release risk assessment as required/requested by GMP, for all detainees brought into GMP custody. The Service also provides support to the forensic process carrying out activities such as taking samples for evidential purposes. The Service supports the rights of the patient and the role that the Police have of investigating crime. In this respect, the Police are strictly governed by legislation in particular the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 and its Codes of Practice (PACE). This places a specific legal responsibility on the Custody officer (usually a Police Sergeant) who is responsible for ensuring the legal process is discharged and has a strict duty of care to all detainees. This will mean their close involvement in decisions to refer for medical assessment and a duty to liaise and confer with HCPs, who also have legal and registration requirements around their practice and patient confidentiality, in order to carry out that duty.
Police Custody Healthcare and Forensic Service
Greater Manchester Police