Description of options:
4.1.1 In Order to allow the contract to evolve both operationally and financially throughout its lifetime, it is essential that the South West Forces determine where they wish the service to be in the future.
4.1.2 The Customers are looking to utilise a “Bi-Modal Supply Chain ” approach that will, over the coming years allow the Chosen bidder to work concurrently to move the current approach to Custody Healthcare from its current reactive methodology, to a Proactive “End to End” detainee focussed model that vastly improves the onward referral process for relevant detainees.
4.1.3 The Customers would like the opportunity, as part of this arrangement, to work jointly with the Custody healthcare service provider, Liaison & Diversion and other Custody Related Service Providers to develop and achieve a greater integration and collaboration of Custody Related services as a whole through a new collaborative and integrated approach to the delivery of health and social support services within custody suites and the initial period after leaving Police custody.
The principles of the new approach will be to: Enable the detainee to only have to tell their story once and reduce multiple hand-offs to different organisations. Have a single approach to understanding the circumstances and needs of the detainee that are driving their criminal behaviour. Ensure the detainee is able to participate effectively in the criminal justice process. Proactively provide individualised, and relevant, initial information and support to each detainee. Plan, Coordinate and Maintain the short term support (after leaving custody) required to start to meet identified needs. Support the detainee to access, and engage with, other appropriate community based services in a planned and joined up way Ensure the detainee engages with the services provided by statutory agencies, including GP registration, housing support and benefits advice Work with other support providers and commissioners to reduce barriers to effective interventions and support. Facilitate and improve the sharing of information across health, social and criminal justice pathways Proactively reduce re-offending and / or escalation of offending behaviours and breaking the Cycle of Criminality
4.1.4 For the avoidance of doubt, the community and statutory services that the provider will be required to link in and collaborate with include (but are not limited to): Mental health services Mental wellbeing services Drug and alcohol services Housing services “Characteristic specific” services, for example Women’s Services Finance and benefits services Education, training and employment services Primary care service, including GP’s, pharmacists, opticians and dentists
4.1.5 It should also be clearly noted that in the event that during the life of Contract the Forensic Service Regulator (FSR) requires achievement and maintenance of accreditation with its standards via a designated Legal Entity then the Customer will reserve the right to require the providers of Custody Healthcare to become the Legal Entity for this purpose. Forces will cover the Costs of doing so (on an open book accounting approach) via a contract variation if this is to be the Case
OPERATIONALLY - work collaboratively with the Police, PCCs, L&D and other related services to gain greater integration and collaboration of the Custody Healthcare service with associated partner services that the service users (i.e. Detainees) may utilise. The desire behind this is to take the contract from being a “Reactive Treatment” service to a Full “End-to-End” service that collaboratively transitions the relevant detainees into partner services to try to proactively break the cycle of criminality.