Date of dispatch of this notice: 25/03/2022
Expire date: 29/04/2022
External Reference: d19a3b1c-cb12-4e7e-a043-17cab3cc5b15
Date of dispatch of this notice: 25/03/2022
Expire date: 29/04/2022
External Reference: d19a3b1c-cb12-4e7e-a043-17cab3cc5b15
Official name: University of Exeter
Address line 1: Northcote House
Town: Exeter
Postal Code: EX4 4QH
Country: England
Contact person: Jodie Underhay
Title attributed to the contract: Framework for the Provision of Digital Advertising Services
The University of Exeter is inviting tenders from suitably qualified and experienced digital advertising agencies who are able to supply all aspects of sourcing, purchasing and monitoring the effectiveness of media space booked for the University of Exeter according to the strategic priorities of the University. We want to build a partnership with agencies to help develop our understanding of how best to reach prospective students in key markets.
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