Live Opportunity



Date of dispatch of this notice: 03/11/2021

Expire date: 14/01/2022

External Reference: 239d9750-ac20-404d-ba2c-4b51426dfcbd

Live Opportunity

Cached Version

Preliminary Data

Type of contract: Services
Procedure: Open

Contact information

Official name: Chief Constable for Devon and Cornwall Police
Address line 1: Police Headquarters, Middlemoor
Town: Exeter
Postal Code: EX2 7HQ
Country: England
Contact person: Eyan Naylor
Phone: +44 07525246603

Contract information

Title attributed to the contract: The Provision of Custody Based Healthcare and associated services to Detained Persons across the South West Forces.

This contract covers healthcare within the secure estate of a police custody suite/unit in this respect the Police are strictly governed by legislation in particular the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 and its Codes of Practice. 
The Customer invites tender returns for the provision of “Adaptive Delivery Models” that will proactively map to the current and potential future needs of the forces working in collaboration with the Forces and the region as a whole to develop partnership working to provide the services required, over a TEN year period.
The Forces are looking to move beyond the constraints of a fixed delivery model that is determined by the Forces themselves and instead move towards a partnership approach.  
The intention is that this allows the contract to “evolve” with the changes in demand, legislation and technology to become an adaptive delivery model that proactively changes to better meet the delivery needs of each custody suite, and the wider forces themselves.  Allowing the cost of delivery to effectively represent the true cost of the service being delivered without sacrificing performance. 

The contract will be awarded to a SINGLE provider across the Entire FIVE Forces, who will then become a Strategic Partner to the Regional Forces.  In the earliest phase of the contract, the Provider will work with the Forces and other associated Detainee services to deliver the provision of Healthcare services to detainees to offer a regional service delivery that is adaptable enough to “cross cover” areas of high demand without sacrificing performance in another.  
In Later phases of the contract the Forces will look to work with the Strategic Partner to better integrate the services they provide, with those provided by the Liaison & Diversion, Substance Misuse Agencies, Mental Health and other connected service teams (incl VCSE’s) that provide services to People who find themselves within or at risk of becoming part of the wider judicial System.
FULL details of how the evolution of the contractual requirements will be managed is detailed within SUBSECTION 4 of the Specification and the Associated Terms & Conditions

Common procurement vocabulary (CPV)
66162000   Custody services
75241100   Police services
85100000   Health services

Expire date: 14/01/2022 17:00
Contract start date: 01/10/2022
Contract end date: 30/09/2032

Lowest value: 0
Highest value: 110000000

Complementary information

Is this suitable for SME (Small and Medium Enterprises)?:
Is this suitable for VCSE (Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise)?:

South West

Additional Details

Attachment 0

Additional data
Attachment 1

User / Company


In Order to allow the contract to evolve both operationally and financially throughout its lifetime, it is essential that the South West Forces determine where they wish the service to be in the future.

The Customers are looking to utilise a “Bi-Modal Supply Chain ” approach that will, over the coming years allow the Chosen bidder to work concurrently to move the current approach to Custody Healthcare from its current reactive methodology, to a Proactive “End to End” detainee focussed model that vastly improves the onward referral process for relevant detainees.

The Customers would like the opportunity, as part of this arrangement, to work jointly with the Custody healthcare service provider, Liaison & Diversion and other Custody Related Service Providers to develop and achieve a greater integration and collaboration of Custody Related services as a whole through a new collaborative and integrated approach to the delivery of health and social support services within custody suites and the initial period after leaving Police custody. 

The principles of the new approach will be to:

1.     Enable the detainee to only have to tell their story once and reduce multiple hand-offs to different organisations.

2	Have a single approach to understanding the circumstances and needs of the detainee that are driving their criminal behaviour.

3	Ensure the detainee is able to participate effectively in the criminal justice process.

4	Proactively provide individualised, and relevant, initial information and support to each detainee. 

5	Plan, Coordinate and Maintain the short term support (after leaving custody) required to start to meet identified needs.

6	Support the detainee to access, and engage with, other appropriate community based services in a planned and joined up way

7	Ensure the detainee engages with the services provided by statutory agencies, including GP registration, housing support and benefits advice

8	Work with other support providers and commissioners to reduce barriers to effective interventions and support. 

9	Facilitate and improve the sharing of information across health, social and criminal justice pathways

10	Proactively reduce re-offending and / or escalation of offending behaviours and breaking the Cycle of Criminality

It should also be clearly noted that in the event that during the life of Contract the Forensic Service Regulator (FSR) requires achievement and maintenance of accreditation with its standards via a designated Legal Entity then the Customer will reserve the right to require the providers of Custody Healthcare to become the Legal Entity for this purpose.   Forces will cover the Costs of doing so (on an open book accounting approach) via a contract variation if this is to be the Case 

The vision of the forces therefore is for the Strategic Partner awarded the Contract to assist the Forces to:

OPERATIONALLY -  work collaboratively with the Police, PCCs, L&D and other related services to gain greater integration and collaboration of the Custody Healthcare service with associated partner services that the service users (i.e. Detainees) may utilise.  The desire behind this is to take the contract from being a “Reactive Treatment” service to a Full “End-to-End” service that collaboratively transitions the relevant detainees into partner services to try to proactively break the cycle of criminality.  
Bidders will be asked to detail how they would endeavour to work with the various parties to move towards a more integrated and collaborative service (under the direction of the Customer), as well as detailing any other partners they would work with, how and to what ends, in their bid responses.

The combination of these services aims to deliver a number of key benefits for Service Users which may eventually include a single, more streamlined holistic triage, screening and assessment process, supported by a continual care pathway into appropriate services.

Benefits for the wider system of achieving this would include the simplification of the current separate and varied interventions provided for Service Users, particularly while in police custody but also after release, to allow a more efficient and effective, person-centred service to be delivered.

By potentially combining these services, it is envisaged that the previous functions of custody healthcare, L&D and the other services would form a more integrated / collaborative service provision.
The Service will be expected to be, and remain for the life of the contract, flexible and adaptable to the changing local public service landscape, as service models mature and develop. The service will also be expected to react to sub-regional or national changes, including changes in legislation as a minimum.

The Provider may be expected to integrate / collaborate with the local health economy and to work in partnership with other local health economy providers and stakeholders (both NHS and non-NHS) [As per appendix A], and to ensure that the Service is aligned to, and makes appropriate links with, the local integrated early intervention models for individuals and families. 

This should ensure that the Service is delivered in partnership with any other services which may already be working with an individual detainee, and that information is shared appropriately between such parties to ensure an integrated and holistic approach to delivery.

In delivering a Strategic Provider Custody Healthcare Model, all services will be expected to work across organisational boundaries and in partnership with other organisations in the interest of the Service Users and to support early identification of need. 

The delivery of services should meet local and national quality requirements, such as duty of candour, never events, workforce requirements and best practice. 

The delivery of services should meet national standards, i.e. NICE standards and guidelines; PACE, and operational standards.

The strategic aim of this contract is that the Integrated / Collaborative Health Model would deliver an all-age (adult and youth) comprehensive service across key points of intervention in the criminal justice system, addressing a wide range of health issues and vulnerabilities.

Providing a service to all ages does not mean providing the same service in the same way to all ages. Rather, it may mean prioritising some age groups or ensuring an age-sensitive response. 

Consideration must also be given to where adult and youth elements can be integrated and where it is appropriate to work differently taking account of different evidence, legislation, and processes. 

The successful lead provider will need to therefore demonstrate commercial advantage; stability; innovation; technical capability, and the capacity to deliver collaborative and integrated services with outside organisations. 

They will also, be required to demonstrate the ability and willingness to: 
a)	Be flexible and co-operative in satisfying the service requirements of the Commissioners.
b)	Work in partnership with the Commissioners to deliver continuous improvement throughout the life of the contract. 
c)	Strive to deliver innovation and to add value to the work of the Commissioners