Date of dispatch of this notice: 19/10/2021
Expire date: 31/03/2025
External Reference: 5a7ab860-470a-44bd-a45f-17e7ac4a2883
Date of dispatch of this notice: 19/10/2021
Expire date: 31/03/2025
External Reference: 5a7ab860-470a-44bd-a45f-17e7ac4a2883
Official name: Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
Address line 1: Westgate Plaza 1, Westgate Barnsley
Town: Barnsley, South Yorkshire
Postal Code: S70 2DR
Country: England
Contact person: Nic Rybalcenkiene
Title attributed to the contract: Residential and Nursing Home Framework within the Borough of Barnsley
The framework will cover both residential placements and residential with nursing placements for people aged 65 or older within the Borough of Barnsley. The aims of the service are to provide: - long term or short-term accommodation, including for respite, as well as care, support and stimulation to individuals who are no longer able to live safely in their own homes.a high quality, safe, and person. -centred care home service that promotes choice, dignity, control, and quality of life for all residents. - care and support services that deliver value for money. The contract will ensure continuity and consistency of service delivery and ensure that providers meet their responsibilities in respect of customer needs. Initial applications to be on the Framework will be 26/11/2021. The Framework will start on 17/01/2022 and end on 16/01/2024 with options to extend for 3 further periods each of a year. Applications to go onto the Framework can be made at any time and will be evaluated after 30th of each month.
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